Saturday, 4 July 2015

The Land of 360 Saints

On 30th June I packed my bag and left my home for an incredible journey to Sylhet. Sylhet is one of the seven divisions of Bangladesh. It is prominent and well-known for Islamic spiritual ethnicity. The background of Sylhet is not a early one but as history goes it is highly influenced by Sufism and Islamic practice. So in this vacation I planned my trip to "Bisnakandi" and "Ratargul" -the two most rising tourist spot in Bangladesh.
A view from the Watch Tower at Ratargul
I got on the bus at 7'o clock morning. The bus ride was one of the amazing ones because the bus was travelling in the midst of the scenic rural beauty. The rice fields, the wonderful breeze, little cottages of farmers and  most importantly the hide and seek of the sunrays on the crop fields will just mesmerize your eyes. You want to see something beautiful but still cluttered then I must say Bangladesh will be your first choice. Because in my life I never saw something so disorderly beautiful.
First and the foremost is my mighty "Bichanakandi". It seems I am seeing God's heaven in my mortal eyes- that was my first expression when I reached there. The destination was not an easy one. It took almost half an hour journey from Hadarpar Bazar to Bichanakandi. Though I can took a boat but I prefer less cost and a little bit excitement. Boat travelling is an enjoyable too. But half an hour walk in Ramadan ( I was fasting) under the scorching sun and a tingling feeling inside your mind to reach to your destination is indescribable. But unfortunately I went in wrong direction at first though I was taking help from the locals. I had to took a boat and the very moment I touch the water (OMG!) it was cold. My all tiredness just washed away when I  steeped my feet in that cold but cozy water. I want to remain there for my life. I still can hear the rippling sounds of water. God! You are beauty. 
Another majestic view of Bichanakandi

 Ratargul- Did I mention something about messy but amazingly beautiful? Yes, It is Ratargul. It is one of the fresh water swamp forest in the world. The very first moment you will step into it you will heard the chirping of birds and might see some little snakes in the water. You will feel the palpitation of your own instincts in the magical hearth of nature. Nature creates an wonderful bizarre in Ratargul. It is just another sight of Amazon where row boats is the only medium.
A view from the watch tower

 Last but not the least- Tea gardens and mausoleum of Hazrat Shah Jalal (Rd). Sylhet is famous for most of the tea yields of Bangladesh. So tour to Sylhet without the glimpse of a tea garden is just a miss.
Malinichora tea garden
If Sylhet can be branded with something then it should be the mausoleums. Sufism has a great impact on Sylhet's culture and attire. So visiting the mausoleums was in my must to do list.

Dargah Gate- two minutes walk from my hotel
And my best photo in the tour which was captured by my father is a great addition to my look book. I have a long way to go and for now my vacation just ends. May be a more exciting tour is awaiting forward.

Monday, 9 March 2015

RFL Inspiring Women Award-A step closer to dream

8th March was like just another day for me until this year.This year Bangladesh Brand Forum(BBF) organized  an award giving ceremony for the female pioneers across the country.This was the first ever recognition initiative for highly skilled working women in Bangladesh.A total 31 awards were given in 15 categories,including one category for female university students called "Leaders of Tomorrow",at an occasion styled at Radisson Hotel in Dhaka.Along with leaders of Tomorrow award 10 honorary mention awards were given to shortlisted nominees who were selected by the jury board.Among them I was one of the nominees.Nazneen Sultana, deputy governor of Bangladesh Bank;Sophie Aubert,French Ambassador of Bangladesh; Dr Fahima Aziz, vice chancellor of Asian university for women,Ms. Uzma Chowdhury, director Pran-RFL group and many others were present in the award giving ceremony.It was a great opportunity to be among all the leaders and to be seated on the same table at the same platform.It was a great inspiration for me to see all the pioneer ladies and gentlemen under the same roof.The presence of all the female trailblazers motivated me to be one of them some day.It was like I am seeing my own future in my own eyes.This event helped me to set a goal and prompt me to be one of the pioneer of future women leadership.It taught me that life is never meaningless and you don't know what's ahead upon as until you travel the whole road.It helps me to become more positive about my life and provided me with great inspiration which I very badly needed.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Why 'Journey'

'Tonima'-If you searched the net you probably would not find any meaning of the name.But as far as I know the meaning of this name is nice.My grandfather named me after a TV presenter of those days because he found the name beautiful.From my early childhood i always wanted to be a scientist.I wanted to be an astronaut and work for NASA.To fulfill this dream i admitted myself to an engineering university.I have an aim to go for higher studies abroad and complete my post graduate in a renowned university.This blog is mainly created as a part of my dream..Any comment or advice will be taken cordially to upgrade my path of my dream.